
Rescue Is Released

Rescue Is Released

Two people carrying black tub down stairs of the LARC.

It is our absolute pleasure to share some lovely news to finish off our year with.

You may all remember our turtle rescue, Geordie, from the September school holidays. Well…. guess what?

After 65 days of being in care, the 1770 LARC! Tours team got a dream email from the Centre manager, Kim,

“Geordie is ready to be released. He’s 97% of his healthy weight and very active … we can release on a LARC, close to the spot where he
was found. You guys have been super helpful and I would like to involve you in the special moment.”

What a dream!

On the 7th of December 2022, eight of our local turtle research volunteers, four LARC crew, 3 Traditional Owners, two Quoin Island Crew and one lovely family boarded our LARC – Dr DC Solander and cruised over to the edge of Eurimbula National Park where Geordie was found and now to be released.

Not going to lie it was a little bit emotional but also so rewarding.


People petting a rescue turtle in a tub, on the beach.
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