Wildlife Warrior

Wildlife Warrior

Team Work

We are extremely proud of our entire team at 1770 LARC! Tours. Not only because of their ongoing exceptional service and hard work within the business. But also because of their personal ventures, volunteering and giving to our community. From research volunteers, and wildlife careers, to Community Bank and Local Tourism & Commerce board members.


Shepherd of the Sea

This month we wanted to share a lovely send off to our standout crew member, Wyanda. Wyanda has been part of the LARC team for many years now. And in just a few days time she is heading off to Peru for 3 months to captain a ship called the Ocean Warrior operated by Sea Shepherd Global. Their mission – targeting illegal fishing operations.

High Seas Veteran

Wyanda has always been passionate about the environment and this will be her 10th voyage with Sea Shepherd after starting in 2013. She has spent many a day on the high seas and been on some wild and large missions including ‘Relentless’ Antarctica, ‘Sleppid Grindini’ Faroe Islands, and ‘Jeedara’ Great Australian Bight.  When she’s not rolling with the Sea Shepherd Crew, Wyanda continues her dedicated work on land.

Emergency Aid

Most recently Wyanda called for help from the public to support a wildlife aid drive to the flood affected areas of NSW. Her mission – to find the “small people”-  anyone that needed assistance in the smaller communities, those who find it hard to ask for help or don’t know how. Her goal directed at helping the wildlife, stock, and pets in disaster affected areas with deliveries of feed, vet equipment, animal first aid supplies, carers inventory and her knowledge and advice on caring.

Here’s an excerpt from a part of her flood mission 2021

“After driving all day yesterday I spent today handing out supplies.

My 1st stop was in South Kempsey. This lady, Krystal, owns 20 horses. 5 Horses in her lower paddock got caught in the floods, the SES didn’t let them get to their property to get them out and therefore they went in the back way by boat. The horses just had their heads above the water, trying to get out of the paddock. Krystal and a few people managed to break down the fences so the horses could swim out. Unfortunately they were barb wire fences and all 5 horses got very badly injured on their legs….to the bone….heart breaking. She received a box of vetwrap, horse feed (pellets) and several bales of lucerne.

Next stop was in Rollands Plains (just inland from Port Macquarie. A lady Fiona collected supplies for friends of hers who lost several cattle and everything that was in their home and shed (but too proud to ask for help). Fiona is looking after several horses of her friends that they did manage to rescue. She received several bales of lucerne and chaff.”

This followed a successful mission that was carried out earlier last year by Wyanda for the bush fire affected areas. The amazing donations received for the fire victims drive was an inspiring response from the public. So much so, that Wyanda and her team could make it down to the major bush fire areas several times with over 4.5tonnes of supplies.


See you soon!

When Wyanda is not driving the length of the country to save animals, she is one of our local wild carers and shares her time with us here at 1770 LARC! Tours LARCing around the Town of 1770. We are so proud to have a team that goes above and beyond to help others, not only within our special paradise but as far as they can reach.

So cheers Wyanda for being a legend. We will see you soon. Be safe and go get ’em!

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